Is It Too Soon For 'Shot Girl Summer'?
PoliticsSo, you’ve done everything right: You were socially distanced, you wore your mask in public, you haven’t visited your high-risk relatives since the before times, and this spring you waited your turn to get vaccinated against covid-19. Now what? States and localities in the U.S. are starting to ditch harsh covid-19 safety protocols, easing mask restrictions and distancing guidelines, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have lent their stamp of approval for many of these measures as well. Hell, you probably enjoyed having a few vaccinated friends over—indoors!—for the first time in over a year.
Cool, great, but are we moving a little too quickly?
Go ahead, pull on your new crotchless bikini, but get this: The covid-19 pandemic has killed over 3.4 million people worldwide, and over 550,000 Americans. While vaccine distribution has run smoother than expected in the United States, with 38 percent of the population fully vaccinated as of May 21, vaccination counts are starting to stagnate, leaving millions still vulnerable just as restrictions are loosening. So why is the CDC suddenly playing it cool? That doesn’t even account for the fact that only four percent of the global population is fully vaccinated, with nations like India and Brazil reaching a breaking point as cases surge.
While there are many rekindled freedoms for the fully vaccinated to take advantage of—we hope your social calendar is booked and busy—we can’t all keep our guard down just yet. In this video, Jezebel staff writer Ashley Reese explains why.