Paris Hilton Falls Victim to Terrifying Plane Crash Prank


If you follow Paris Hilton closely on Instagram (like I do), you’ve probably seen posts of the former reality star’s many glamorous travels. Hilton is usually seen hopping on a plane to some beautiful, far-off place and on one of these trips, she became the target of a terrifying prank. A recent YouTube clip showed Hilton at an opening for a luxury hotel in Dubai. She boards a small plane with other guests, thinking it will be a short aerial tour of the city. While Hilton is on the flight, she’s tricked into thinking the plane is crashing.

The clip, which was deleted from YouTube as I wrote this, is part of a show called “Ramez in Control,” hosted by Ramez Galal, an Egyptian television personality, according to Gossip Cop. The prank begins with Galal spraying some sort of horrible-scented liquid spray around the cabin that Hilton describes as smelling like “rotten eggs.” After takeoff, the pilot begins doing daredevil stunts and abrupt dives while alarms in the cabin start going off. Hilton, believing the plane is crashing, starts screaming and crying. Other guests (presumably actors) start freaking out as well, with a few of them even strapping on parachutes and jumping out of the plane. Hilton believes she has to do the same thing, but refuses. Eventually, the plane lands safely on the runway and the whole thing is revealed to be a prank. She is not amused.

Whatever opinion you may have of Ms. Hilton, it’s not that cool seeing any human experience what they think is a plane crash. This show is way too cold. Then again, there are probably a few evil people I wouldn’t mind being pranked in a similar way. Only the truly evil, of course.

Image via YouTube/screengrab.

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