Paula Abdul's Breast Cancer Awareness Music Video Sure Is Something

“I wanna talk to all the ladies in the world a-bout! Breast! Can-cer!” begins perhaps the most downer upbeat club jam of all time.

Dancer, choreographer, pop star, and famously erratic American Idol golden age mainstay Paula Abdul has lent her support to the cause célèbre of Breast Cancer Awareness marketing in a video the Avon Foundation released earlier this month. The video stars Abdul, a team of perky dancers, and Abdul’s sister Wendy, a breast cancer survivor.

Avon’s Check Yourself program has admirable goals, and this video, while goofy, packages a public health message in a clear and catchy way. Now if only all of the chemicals in Avon’s product line were certifiably non-carcinogenic, maybe we’d be getting somewhere.

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