Scotland Launches 'Drinking Mirror' App to Scare Vain Women Away from Drinking Alcohol
LatestScotland’s government thinks ladies will stop getting wasted once they realize how bloated and red-eyed they’ll become if they don’t pass up happy hour.
Their new “Drop a Glass Size” campaign doesn’t completely ignore dudes — there’s a page on “Drinking Like a Man” — but it’s specifically geared towards encouraging “women to think about the health effects of regularly drinking above the recommended alcohol guidelines.”
Thus, the “Drink Mirror” app, which is available for iPhones and Android devices as well as online. Men can use it, but it shows a photo of a woman to demonstrate how the app works, next to a warning that “deeper wrinkles, red cheeks and weight gain” are a result of drinking heavy on the regular.
A Scottish government spokesperson told CNN that, even though the campaign states that “men drink more on average than women” and “suffer more ill effects as a result,” they developed the app to target women “in an effort to play on their vanity.”
Disgusting! But, obviously, I had to try it out.
Here’s a photo of me fake-smiling in a coffee shop this morning:
And here’s what I will look like if I continue to drink 6-10 drinks (one drink = 5 ounce glass of 13% wine) a week, which I felt was quite a reasonable amount, given that the campaign stated that women shouldn’t drink more than two to three drinks a day, with two alcohol-free days a week:
“Women don’t really accept that the amount of alcohol they’re drinking is excessive,” the anonymous spokeswoman said. “Women are very receptive when you talk about calories in a glass of wine, and people don’t always make the association between alcohol and calories.”
Well, this woman is more annoyed that you think she’s superficial enough to stop drinking solely because an app made her look like she gained a few pounds and went swimming in a chlorinated pool, but maybe that’s just me.