10 Things You May Have Missed On TV This Week


In this week’s compilation of pop culture crap, “poop transplant” is a real medical procedure involving human feces, Long Island Lolita Amy Fisher gets a new face, and Bam Margera opens up for the first time since his friend Ryan Dunn’s death.

1.) Poop transplants.
This week, The Doctors explained a new potential solution to diarrhea: A poop transplant. Fecal matter from a donor is placed up someone’s butt in order to restore “good bacteria.” They didn’t explain how people actually get into the shit donation game.

2.) Amy Fisher’s new face.
The former attempted murderer/porn-star-turned-reality-star recently had a lot of work done before her new gig on Celebrity Rehab, but even she doesn’t look happy with it.

3.) Bam’s tears.
This is actually a really sad clip from a local Philly news network, featuring Bam Margera breaking down at the scene of Ryan Dunn’s fatal car crash and the reporter’s tidbit about how “fans” are stealing wreckage from the site and putting it up for sale on eBay.

4.) Gene Simmons gets his ass handed to him by Sharon Osbourne.
Apparently, Gene Simmons had been running his mouth off for years, talking shit and making personal jabs about the Osbourne family whenever his family’s reality show is compared to them. While doing his press tour for the new season of his show, he stopped by The Talk, of which Sharon Osbourne is one of the co-hosts. She called him out on all of his smack-talking and managed to get an apology out of him.

5.) Where’s Waldo?: Hoarders edition.

6.) Curry’s fail.
This week on Today, a clip was shown of some kind of motorcyclist being victim to another motorcyclist’s temper tantrum (or something?). Anyway, Ann Curry tried to make a joke by referencing that it was similar to Matt Lauer’s situation with Lindsay Lohan earlier this week (when LiLo refused to be interviewed at the last minute), except nobody laughed and things got really awkward.

7.) More awkward jokes.
Why did this Fox News guy have to get weird?

8.) Jon Stewart sets Chris Wallace straight.
The Daily Show host agreed to be interviewed on Fox News, where Wallace attempted to take him down a peg by insulting his network, Comedy Central. Stewart responded with the logical answer that he’s perfectly placed on Comedy Central because he’s a comedian, and pointed out that the embarrassment is that he’s actually taken seriously as a news broadcaster because viewers are let down by networks like Fox.

9.) Drunk woman screeches like a cat, gropes her breasts, and urinates on the curb.
Police Women of Broward County is so similar to Reno 911.

10.) Walk of fame.
Why is it that The Little Couple are so fascinated with celebrities having bigger feet than they do? Pretty much everyone has bigger feet than they do.

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