32 Things Donald Trump Finds 'Disgusting'


Today, inside-out lower intestine Donald Trump, ever on-brand, referred to protests of institutional ambivalence to racism at the University of Missouri as “disgusting.” They’re far from the first recipient of that Trump slam.

Donald Trump has a big ego, a big bank account, and a big real estate empire. He does not have a big vocabulary, nor does he have a grasp on nuance. As such, he expresses himself in extremes— beautiful, terrible, wonderful, bad. His favorite negative descriptor is “disgusting.” He uses it often. It was so obvious that back in June, Jimmy Kimmel Live produced a whole segment about it. Today, he added University of Missouri protesters to that ever-growing list, succinctly telling Fox Business News that he finds the protests “disgusting.”

Here is a partial list of things Donald Trump has declared “disgusting.”

  1. University of Missouri protests
  2. The Baltimore riots
  3. The rollout of the Obamacare enrollment website
  4. Terrorists
  5. Bette Midler
  6. Property he couldn’t buy
  7. The media
  8. Pharma bro
  9. The cover of Time that featured a woman breastfeeding an elementary-aged child
  10. Obama’s reelection
  11. Deadspin telling Donald Trump to fuck off
  12. The Obama administration
  13. Families of soldiers not getting money for burials
  14. Breastfeeding
  15. Anthony Weiner
  16. Rotting utility poles outside of one of Donald Trump’s properties
  17. The windmill over the 14th hole at some golf course
  18. Windmills in Iowa
  19. Windmills in general
  20. Windmills
  21. Barney Frank’s erect nipples
  22. Rosie O’Donnell
  23. Donald Sterling’s comments about black people
  24. An anti-Mormon whisper campaign
  25. A Mexican jail
  26. The Mexican judicial system
  27. The Freedom Tower
  28. A call made during a boxing match that Donald Trump didn’t like
  29. Rolling Stone editors
  30. Kanye West
  31. A Scottish farmer who refused to sell his land to Donald Trump
  32. A joke on SNL about the Germanwings air tragedy

More TK, as time passes and words grow ever duller with Trumpian overuse.

Contact the author at [email protected].

Image via Getty.

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