A 16 Inch Rat Oh My Fucking God A 16 Inch Rat
LatestA Swedish couple is making international headlines after witnessing the slow, agonizing death of a 16-inch rat that a trap could not kill. A SIXTEEN INCH RAT THAT A TRAP COULD NOT KILL. CUNTING SHIT GUYS. GREAT BOUNCING CHRISTBALLS. I’M GOING TO FAINT.
Here’s some of the harrowing and incredibly Swedish account, from the New York Daily News,
[Warning: if you are squeamish: THIS WILL 100% MAKE YOU BARF. I’m serious guys don’t scroll down any further if you hate dead rats with squished heads because there are pictures and the are terrible and I’m so upset with myself for looking at them. Fellow Jezebel staffer Madeleine Davies audibly screamed and pushed herself back in her rolling chair with her hands on the side of her face when she saw these pictures.
They are not nice pictures.]
The gargantuan rodent, metal clasped tightly around its neck, powered through the pain and scampered off behind Signe Bengtsson-Korsas’ kitchen cabinets, The Sun reported.
“It was a monster, the worst thing I have ever seen,” she told the British tabloid.
Her husband, Erik, added, “The rat was so big it did not die.”
Eventually the squeaking stopped.
The nearly invincible beast was found lifeless behind their dishwasher.
“In the end we managed to find it dead, it had slowly strangled,” Erik said. “Then we felt a bit sorry for it.”
That’s what happens when you use those assemble-at-home rat traps from Ikea, I guess.