Best App Ever Lets You Match Your Nail Polish to ANYTHING


A new app from China Glaze promises to match one of its nail polishes to anything you take a photo of with your phone and OH MAN does it deliver.

In perhaps an unintentional stroke of genius, the polish names often have some sort of connection to the object at hand.

The Jezebel logo is “Scarlet” red!

“PREGNANT & ALONE” In Touch Headline is “Agro” (Perfect)

Mitt Romney’s infamous fake tan is “Life Preserver” (He wishes)

Next Choice emergency contraceptive is “Pink Chiffon”

Burt Reynold’s chest hair is “Galactic Gray”

Gchat green is “Starboard”

Trust me, I could go on — I’m leaving out “wilted salad I ate for lunch” and “my hair.” Download the app and share your picks below.

[h/t xovain]

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