Call For Submissions: Past Fashion, Super Fan Edition


Seeing all of those young girls screaming their heads off at the recent Eclipse premiere was as funny as it was familiar: many of us had our superfan days, and now’s your chance to share them with your fellow readers.

We’re looking for pictures of your devotion in action: wearing a band’s t-shirt, wrapping yourself in a Harry Potter scarf, a shot of your former bedroom, plastered in band posters or Tiger Beat pullouts, shots of your giant NKOTB pin collection, concert pictures, sports team obsessions, boy band screaming sessions, notebook doodles, and even pictures of you meeting up with your heroes, if you have them. Whether you’re currently obsessed with Dr. Who or 20 years removed from your obsession with New Edition, there has to be some photographic evidence somewhere. So why not celebrate the best parts of fandom—the truly fun and silly aspects—by sharing those ridiculous pictures with the internet? You can even blur out your faces, and the faces of your accomplices, if you’d rather celebrate your Backstreet Boys poster without actually having to admit to owning it in front of the entire world.

Interested? Send the pictures to me (already altered, if that’s how you want them published) with “Past Fashion” in the headline, before Friday, July 9.

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