Catholic College Disinvites Speaker On Civility For Coincidentally Being Pro-Choice
LatestPulitzer Prize-winning columnist Ellen Goodman was invited to speak at St. Francis University — until the college was criticized by the Cardinal Newman Society for having a pro-choice speaker on campus. Then the provost wrote her, “After careful consideration, the university feels that the body of your work has reflected statements that are not in close enough alignment with some Catholic teachings and with the values and mission of the university as required for an event of this stature.”
She wasn’t going to talk about reproductive rights; the topic was civility, described as follows:
Her lecture is entitled, “A Civil Tongue: Welcome to the era of polarized politics, food fight cable shows, and ballistic blogging. How civility was shattered, who is winning, who is losing, and how do we call a truce to the mud wrestling.”
Goodman’s response: “Imagine my disappointment at having my plea for civility returned with a pie in the face.”
College Disinvites Ellen Goodman [Pittsburgh Post-Gazette]