Celebrities! Why Clear Up Rumors For Free When You Can Pay $1,000?
LatestThe New York Times describes 56-year-old Sir David Tang as a “businessman, socialite and celebrity friend extraordinaire.” He’s best known for being the founder of ridiculously overpriced department store Shanghai Tang. Which makes him the perfect guy to create absurd new website ICorrect, where — for $1,000-a-year membership fee — a person of note may clear up lies, rumors, misconceptions or falsities. But! Isn’t that part of the charm of the internet? You never know what’s real! It’s a house of cards built upon a house or mirrors! (Also, for the truly salacious celebrity stuff, we already have Gossip Cop.)
By the by, if publication prints something completely untrue, a person of note — or his publicist — may contact the publication and demand a correction or retraction for free. Companies can issue press releases. So why the hell do we need IConnect? The Times reports that Sir Davd Tang “hopes that someday ICorrect will be the world clearinghouse for corrections.” Quoth he: “It’s my fervent desire to have NGO’s and big corporations like BP.” Um, sure.
Meanwhile, if you head over to ICorrect right now, you’ll find out that Tommy Hilfiger denies that he doesn’t like black people; Edgar Bronfman Jr. denies that he is Canadian; and Kate Moss denies that she has a Twitter account. Yawn. None of it is enough to make us bat a lash. And the Bianca Jagger/Studio 54/white horse correction just made us sad. Oh! And! Of the accusation “David Tang is a creep,” David Tang writes: “This is greatly exaggerated.”
For $1,000, Site Lets Celebrities Say It Ain’t So [New York Times]
ICorrect [Official Site]