Clinton Focuses On Women's Rights In Graduation Speech • Child "Breastfeeding" Her Doll Causes Parents To Panic
• Hilary Clinton to the Barnard graduating class: “Women’s progress is more than a matter of morality. It is a political, economic, social and security imperative…If you want to know how stable, healthy, and democratic a country is, look at its women, look at its girls.” •
• Egyptian tycoon Hisham Talaat Mustafa has been sentenced to death for the murder of his ex-girlfriend, Lebanese pop star Suzanne Tamim. • Breitbart has posted a preview for the documentary “The Iraqi Workout,” which is a 45-minute study of the a women’s gym in the north of Iraq. • A new (no shit) study has found that fathers respond to the risky sexual behavior of their teen offspring by increasing parental supervision. This contradicts an earlier study which indicated that parents tend to pull away when teens engage in sexually uninhibited behavior. • Two children of Martin Luther King Jr. have threatened to sue over a film that is currently in the works about their father’s life. Dreamworks currently has the rights to King’s story, but Bernice and Martin King claim they did not give their approval for the project. • In response to an uptight grandmother’s complaints about a picture of a little girl breastfeeding her doll, Babble states what should be obvious: breastfeeding is not a sexual act, and it is not obscene. • Click here to read an interesting article from Time Mag about sex, consumer culture and how the two became so intricately linked. • As if us hypochondriacs didn’t have enough to be worried about: in 2006 Swedish doctors discovered invisible chlamydia, which can escape detection on routine tests. The good news? They have developed a way to screen for the dangerous strain. • According to new data, women in Japan have the longest life expectancy out of any group, with the average lady surviving to see 86, while men in Sierra Leone have the shortest life expectancy (only 39). • A new drug usually used to chemically castrate sex offenders has been deemed by some a “miracle” cure for autism. However, many say that the use of the drug is “medically indefensible.” • Today Anne Mulcahy, CEO of Xerox, announced that Ursula Burns will be named CEO of the company on July 1st. Burns will become the only black female CEO among Fortune 500’s top 150 companies. • Scientists have discovered the genetic mutations responsible for the unusual appearance of Julia Pastrana, the famous “bearded lady” from the 1800s. •