Comment of the Day: Childhood Disappointment


Maybe personalized Disney Princess figurines will become the next toy that kids everywhere would chop off a foot to get their greedy little hands on. Then again, maybe the figurines will simply become the next creepy gift that young girls discard immediately, forget about after a few years, and rediscover during a post-college existential crisis when they’re cleaning out the crap underneath their childhood bed and come across their own 12-year-old likeness frozen on the body of Cinderella. At any rate, it’s best not to risk disappointing a kid by not buying her (or him, whatever, no judgment) a “Carbon Freeze Me” figurine, unless, warns theladybrain, you want them to resent you forever:

This is exactly what I would have crawled through glass for when I was 12, but my mom would never ever ever ever buy me. Just like the American girl doll. Just like the furby. Just like the beanie baby. But I’m not one to hold grudges, that bitch.

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