DC Comics Says They Need More Women Writers


DC Comics co-publishers Dan DiDio and Jim Lee are responding to their fans criticisms about their lack of “female writers, artists and characters.”

“Over the past week we’ve heard from fans about a need for more women writers, artists and characters,” the post reads. “We want you to know, first and foremost, that we hear you and take your concerns very seriously.”
The DC Comics executives cited the likes of Gail Simone, Fiona Staples, Nicola Scott, Amanda Connor, G. WIllow Wilson and Felicia Henderson as female comic book creators they have worked with in the past and hope to collaborate with in the future.
“We’ll have exciting news about new projects with women creators in the coming months and will be making those announcements closer to publication,” they continued. “Many of the [mentioned] creators will be working on new projects as we continue to tell the ongoing adventures of our characters.
“We know there are dozens of other women creators and we welcome the opportunity to work with them.”

I’d like to think there are plenty more than “dozens” of women creators out there but at any rate, if DC’s aim is true, send your packets in now.

At the very least, it’ll let them know there are more than “dozens” of women writers out there.

DC Comics: ‘We need more women writers and characters’ [DigitalSpy]

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