Emma Stone Blurts Out 'I'm Sorry!' Over Aloha at the Golden Globes


Letting Sandra Oh and Andy Samberg co-host the Golden Globes this year was a smart decision, because at least we got an apology from Emma Stone for the tragedy of Aloha.

Stone, who starred as a half-Asian character in the film, previously issued a mea culpa in 2015. “I’ve become the butt of so many jokes,” she said. “I’ve learned on a macro level about the insane history of whitewashing in Hollywood and how prevalent the problem truly is. It’s ignited a conversation that’s very important.”

The guilt jumped out again tonight after Oh made a joke during her opening monologue—about Crazy Rich Asian being “the first studio film with an Asian-American lead since Ghost in the Shell and Aloha.” Here, you can hear Stone blurting out, “I’m sorry!” from her seat in the audience:

Stone confirmed it was her to the Los Angeles Times. “It wasn’t like I planned it, but I did say it,” she said.

When Oh roasts you, you gotta do what you gotta do.

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