Netflix’s animated show Bojack Horseman—a charming comedy that is equal parts devastating and too close to reality for comfort—is coming to an end. The second half of season six, the program’s final bow, will hit the streaming service at the end of the month. Netflix released the trailer Wednesday morning, and it looks like viewers will finally get an explanation on why the final season was divided into two parts in the first place.
The first half of season six, as described by our friends at the A.V. Club, established Horseman’s redemption arc. He went to rehab. He made amends. He questioned whether or not he deserved to make those amends. The people—or, in this case, animals—in his life became a bit more autonomous to him and to the plot of the show. (Personally, I find Princess Carolyn’s journey into motherhood to be to the most interesting storyline currently under development. As Claire Lobenfeld wrote for this website, she’s currently learning that “having it all is hogwash.”) In the new trailer, Horseman is shown reflecting on his past poor decisions while turning over a new leaf, in his case, as a professor at Wesleyan University. But does he deserve to be there?
“I’ve had a lot of what I thought were rock bottoms,” Horseman says in the trailer’s narration, “only to discover a rockier bottom underneath.” After five-and-a-half seasons of this show I can say with full confidence: ain’t that the truth.
The final Bojack Horseman episodes premiere on Netflix January 31. I’m not ready to say goodbye!