Here’s An App That Lets You Obsess Over Your Old Relationships
LatestAfter experiencing a breakup, a common procedure is to get rid of your ex’s stuff, whether you nicely give it back to them, throw it all away or set it on fire à la Waiting to Exhale. But what do you do with the kind of relationship mementos that aren’t tangible? Emails, Facebook photos and Instagram comments from your ex will still linger behind.
Some people believe the healthiest way to move on is to delete that person’s existence from their online world, but others might now want to let go so soon. Luckily for the latter, there’s an app that allows you stay in the past a little longer. Shryne has the ability to create archives for all cyber communication between you and your ex. If you’d rather put it away in some sort of online shoebox instead of deleting them, it has a “freeze” feature that will temporarily hide all of your texts, emails, Google Hangout history, Facebook photos and other social media channels for a year.
For the rest of your personal relationships, it can organize all your memories into one feed. So if you’re feeling nostalgic and want to scroll through some jolly old Facebook banter between you and a good friend, it seems like this works as an online scrapbook. Still, it sounds like we’re truly getting closer to some Black Mirror type of shit.
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Image via Shryne.