Here's Definitive Proof that J.Lo is the Queen of the Universe


Last night on American Idol, judge Jennifer Lopez debuted her new song, “Feel the Light,” from the soundtrack to the animated kid’s film Home. It’s an inspirational ballad that demonstrated that the vocal coach from her HBO special should probably get a raise. J.Lo began with a piano accompaniment and a gorgeous, sweeping white dress with a massive circular train draped around her, 360-degrees. And as the intro faded and she launched from the intro into bombast, her gown became a screen for glamorous projections of the galaxy, giving serious Neverending Story realness.


Custom-crafted by Mariel Haenn, who designs many of J.Lo’s performance costumes (and styled Rihanna’s “Umbrella” video!), the gown measured 20 feet around. It was gorgeous except for maybe when the co-branded Home clips showed up, reminding us of the copious cross-promo/cross-branding opportunity (sigh). Still, it’s appropriate that Queen J.Lo would rightfully establish herself as Goddess Galaxy, a constellation of silver blush glimmering from her cheeks, presiding over her rule with a Swarovski-crusted microphone as scepter. Also, pretty good song!

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