Beep beep! That’s the sound of Robert Pattinson’s little motorcycle probably makes on the set of The Batman, an extremely edgy movie for extremely edgy adults about an extremely edgy bat human. With production back in full swing across the pond now that Robert Pattinson has recovered from the coronavirus, set photos have begun to spring up across the internet. Here are some of those photos.
Matt Reeves’s The Batman, starring long time pretty boy Pattinson, is the eighth film iteration of the brooding vigilante cop. (Or ninth, if you count Batman Forever and Batman & Robin separately.) Will he yet again ride around on his little motorcycle brutalize the poor and disenfranchised people of Gotham City? From the looks of it, probably. At least Zoë Kravitz is in this one!
Photos from the set look… uh… “serious.” Here you can see Mr. Batman himself making a ferocious grin at onlooking photographers. This is probably Pattinson’s stunt double, but regardless, it’s the appreciation to detail I really enjoy. Look at the way he curls his lips, as to ensure that Mr. Batman has no lips. It’s some incredibly realistic physicality, that really embodies all other masked, pro-cop vigilantes I’m aware of.
Liverpool, where filming is taking place, looks pretty cold right now. Production has Mr. Batman wrapped up in a nice, warm coat—because he is Mr. Batman, an incredibly important person who needs to stay warm under all those layers of military-grade tactical armor.
Pattinson himself has been spotted filming scenes around Liverpool. He looks decidedly brooding, a personality trait that exists as a through-line connecting every single one of his performances ever. But where Edward Cullen was sexually brooding—distraught over his desire to both have sex with a mortal woman and rip her apart—the brooding apparent in his Batman performance screams, “I just recently recovered from coronavirus, why am I here getting my picture taken.”
But don’t fret, fellow Pattinson heads, I’m sure he’s having a great time. (Probably.) I mean, Warner Bros. allegedly paid him somewhere around $5 million to make this movie. He even got coronavirus, and THEN came back! That’s dedication, the true spirit of a theatrical auteur like Pattinson.