Kelly Clarkson's Not Joining American Idol But She Is Joining The Voice
LatestSuck it, Ryan Seacrest, Kelly Clarkson doesn’t want it. Instead of joining the cast of the godawful and unnecessary American Idol reboot as was rumored yesterday, Miss Clarkson is betting on the right horse and joining The Voice as a judge for its 14th season.
As People reports, Clarkson will be joining sentient ripped t-shirt Adam Levine and Blake Shelton as judges. She’s appeared on the show in some capacity over its time on air, as either performer or trusted adviser, but personally, I think she’ll really shine as a judge. Also, Blake Shelton could probably use a break from being Mr. Country Music Singer With The Twang and Stuff, because from the bits and bobs I’ve seen of the show over its entire run, that is the only thing he does. Let someone else handle that for a while, guy.
Also adorable is how excited she is. “I can’t wait to turn my chair and see the faces of up-and-coming artists and provide them with the help and support they’ve needed to break into the industry. Watch out Shelton, I’m comin’ to win!!” she said.
Yay, Kelly Clarkson and sorry ‘bout it, Mr. Seacrest. Godspeed with the reanimated corpse of a show that should’ve been put to rest long ago!
Let us not think of the bad. Instead, focus on this performance from Clarkson singing “Jesus, What a Wonderful Child” with Fantasia Barrino. Judging from Clarkson’s dress and Barrino’s chandelier earrings, I pegged this as being from 2007, but actually it was a Fox holiday special from 2004. Vintage! I watch this every time I remember it exists, which is roughly once a month. Enjoy.