Look at This Absolute Unit Every Damn Day

Look at This Absolute Unit Every Damn Day
Screenshot:Museum of English Rural Life (Other)

The Museum of English Rural Life, located in Reading, England has the only good Twitter account and is likely the best museum in the world (I say “likely” because I have never been, but highly suspect it to be true). If you’re outside the UK, the museum is probably on your radar due to a famous and perfect tweet featuring and black and white photo of a very healthy Exmoor Horn aged ram that read “look at this absolute unit.” And look the world did. Thanks to the museum’s absolutely charming holiday gift shop, those of us who fell in love with the unit can look every day as we transform our sad, stuffy quarantine homes into works of pastoral poetry via the museum’s other, almost relentlessly delightful gift shop offerings.

First off, look again at this precious boy. He comes with his own coaster because he is a polite treasure.

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Have this printed and framed for your cottagecore pal or your friend who has gotten very into micro-dosing, if those two friends are different people.

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Get this one for your friend who has always wanted a Marion Peck print but cannot afford one. (Me. That friend is me.)

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And this one if you are feeling generous or know two such people.

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Finally, a tea towel with some “Mind the Gap” style practical advice for the covid age.

Screenshot:Art UK (Other)

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