Marco Rubio Stands in Traffic to Announce He's Announcing Something


Pray for your poor presumptive presidential candidates, who have to try to build “excitement” and “momentum” into their budding campaigns. And pray especially hard for Senator Marco Rubio, who decided that in the wake of Hillary Clinton’s announcement yesterday, his best move would be releasing a cellphone video of the senator mumbling in traffic.

Rubio released this video via Twitter Sunday, which you can probably just hear over the noise of the wind and the passing cars:

“We’re excited about the announcement tomorrow,” Rubio says. “Tune in tomorrow at 6 p.m. Eastern time so you can watch it live on” (As Daily Intel’s Margaret Hartmann points out, “[P]resumably he wouldn’t reserve Miami’s Freedom Tower to declare he’d like to keep his current job.”)

Just in case your anticipation levels weren’t sufficiently lukewarm, the senator also tied his announcement into Game of Thrones, because sure:

Everyone just try to remain calm.

Photo via AP

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