Marie Claire Dating Blogger Leaves Us Speechless
LatestRecently, Marie Claire dating blogger and occasional Jezebel target Rich Santos e-mailed me with an intriguing (though naive) offer: Taking one of us out on a date to prove he is not “an ignorant beast.”
My counter-offer was this: if it’s to be an honest assessment of his douchiness, then let’s bring a camera, get some drinks and just be our (possibly horrible) selves. To my surprise, Rich agreed. And a sampling of the evening is below.
The Worst (Bloggy) Date In the World from Megan Carpentier on Vimeo.
My analysis? He is, indeed, not an beast, though he is a little ignorant about some stuff. He’s a relatively sweet, insecure, immature and slightly shallow dude. He was, to his credit, able to see the comic potential of a filmed date, and, absurdist conversation aside, a complete gentleman. By the end, I sort of wanted to rub his head, give him my shrink’s number and hope for the best. I might not want to date Rich, but I don’t hate him either. In fact, if he wanted, I’d go get a few more drinks, leave the camera at home and wait to see what he says next.
Sex And The Single Guy [Marie Claire]
Earlier: Doucherati
Dear Marie Claire Dude Blogger, Please Make Us Your Wing-Women