Former governor, failed presidential candidate, failed presidential candidate again, and current Fox News goober Mike Huckabee joined the the geniuses at Fox and Friends on Thursday to discuss Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. What did they have to say about the congresswoman from Queens?
Well, after Huckabee expressed amazement at Ocasio-Cortez’s popularity despite having “no major accomplishments to her credit” besides “bizarre” policy proposals, Fox and Friends’ Brian Kilmeade predictably made shit weird:
“Somebody’s writing her questions. I saw the questions at [the Michael Cohen hearing], saw the questions at [the Wilbur Ross hearing]. There are some forces behind her. I think there’s a story there,” Kilmeade said.
“There very well could be. There have been some allegations she was almost like the Manchurian Candidate; recruited, prepared. I don’t know!” Huckabee responded.
I don’t know, Mike!
Huckabee did have one useful thing to say, however: “I hope [Ocasio-Cortez] continues to become the face of the Democratic Party.”