Mike Huckabee Wants to Tell You Something About Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 


Former governor, failed presidential candidate, failed presidential candidate again, and current Fox News goober Mike Huckabee joined the the geniuses at Fox and Friends on Thursday to discuss Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. What did they have to say about the congresswoman from Queens?

Well, after Huckabee expressed amazement at Ocasio-Cortez’s popularity despite having “no major accomplishments to her credit” besides “bizarre” policy proposals, Fox and Friends’ Brian Kilmeade predictably made shit weird:

“Somebody’s writing her questions. I saw the questions at [the Michael Cohen hearing], saw the questions at [the Wilbur Ross hearing]. There are some forces behind her. I think there’s a story there,” Kilmeade said.

“There very well could be. There have been some allegations she was almost like the Manchurian Candidate; recruited, prepared. I don’t know!” Huckabee responded.

I don’t know, Mike!

Huckabee did have one useful thing to say, however: “I hope [Ocasio-Cortez] continues to become the face of the Democratic Party.”


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