New York Has Its First Transgender Firefighter


The New York City Fire Department finally has it’s first openly trangendered firefighter. The woman in question, who now goes by the name Brooke, has for the most part found acceptance from her coworkers. The department is not known for its diversity, but it probably helps that Brooke has deep roots with the FDNY:

“Her family has a long history of firefighting, starting at least three generations ago with Brooke’s grandfather, and continuing to her father, an FDNY officer who responded to the Twin Towers on 9/11.”

Bravery must run in the family. As one firefighter said of Brooke, “It’s a tremendously courageous decision. Hopefully everyone will be supportive.” So far it seems like her coworkers are onboard, with the notable exception of a few idiots who insist on calling her “it.” But as one long-time FDNY member put it, “Especially among those who know the [family], this won’t amount to a hill of beans to them. There’s a lot of respect for the family.” Hopefully Brooke’s willingness to be open about her transition will pave the way for other firefighters in the same situation.

FDNY Welcomes First Transgender Firefighter In City History [New York Post]

Image via Christina Richards/Shutterstock.

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