Oprah and Dave Letterman Talk Selfies and Weed


Dave Letterman’s famous friends have been stopping by The Late Show leading up to his final episode. Last night, it was Oprah who paid a visit to chat with Letterman. They discussed two important things: selfies and weed. When the king of late night asked the queen of talk if she was a weed smoker, Oprah revealed that she hasn’t smoked weed in thirty years. Our dreams of getting high with Oprah and eating a feast of cheesy potatoes (her rumored addiction and my real) has just been crushed.

In this YouTube clip via Digg, Oprah asked Dave if people stopped him on the streets for selfies and talked about a recent journey through a sea of fan’s phones which she dubbed, “Selfie Hell.” If you ever stop Oprah on the street and ask for a selfie, know that she will be secretly hating it. She also asked Dave if he’d be taking something from the show as a souvenir. His answer? An old sink stopper. Gross!

Letterman’s final appearance as host of The Late Show will be on May 20.

Image via YouTube.

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