President Obama's Press Conference Had Lady Journos and 'James Flacco'
“Josh has given me the who’s been naughty and who’s been nice list and we’re going to use it to take some questions,” President Obama said at the beginning of his end-of-the year press conference, referencing Josh Earnest, White House Press Secretary. That press conference was notable for several reasons, depending on who you are: 1. (If you’re a media reporter) Obama called on all non-television reporters 2. (If you’re smart) Obama called on all women 3. (If you like a laugh) Obama called James Franco “James Flacco.”
The clip above includes the Flacco reference as Obama discusses his frustration with North Korea’s Sony Hack but also features Obama joshin’ around with Politico’s Carrie Budoff Brown, who is moving to Belgium for work as part of the company’s expansion. “I think there’s no doubt that what Belgium needs is a version of Politico,” said Obama. THIS PRES HAS GOT QUIPS.