Queen of Bounce Big Freedia Unimpressed With Miley's Twerk Attempts


Big Freedia, New Orleans’ own Bounce Queen, known for ass-centric song and dance (seen here in a clip from last year), is not happy with Miley Cyrus’s antics, telling Fuse:

She was going too far. She’s trying to twerk, but don’t know how to twerk. It’s become offensive to a lot of people who’ve been twerking and shaking their asses for years, especially in the black culture.
She may be familiar with me, but she don’t know I’m the Queen of Twerking. But it’s offensive to black culture and black women who’ve been twerking for years. Every time we do something, people want to snatch it and run with it and put their name on it. And they still don’t even have the moves down yet. Just get me and Miley together so I could give her ass some lessons.


BTW here’s a lesson:

We can also watch RuPaul, Big Freedia and some male models show us how it’s done.

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