Reader Roundup
LatestToday’s best comments left us with smiles on our faces and a song in our hearts.
Best Comment Of The Day, in response to Know Your Movie-Birth Cliches: “Psh. I can’t wait for my movie-related birth. Once I’m in labor I’m going to jump onto the hospital bed, part my legs and yell ‘RELEASE THE KRAKEN!'” • Best Comment Of The Day, in response to In Defense Of Scott Baio: Speak Now, Or Forever Hold Your Peace: “People who do great things, found charities, donate lots of time and money, write great works of literature, give birth to famous and worthy people, etc all can also end up being racist, sexist, wrong, rude, defamatory, and jerks. It’s happened billions of times.
I think it is wonderful that the after the diagnosis was revealed to be false, the Baio’s didn’t just walk away whistling happily, they used the eye opening event as a chance to do some good in the world. That does not make every word or idea that comes out of their mouth golden or perfect. Using one aspect of a personality to defend another does not work.” • Best Comment Of The Day, in response to In Defense Of Scott Baio: Speak Now, Or Forever Hold Your Peace:
New boy in the blogosphere
Lives elsewhere but he’s always here
He’s there just to say a prayer for me
And my lesbian shitass-ry
Reminder: If you see a great, funny, insightful, eloquent (or awful) comment, nominate it! Email the comment and the timestamp link to the left of the comment to Hortense at [email protected].
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Oh! My God! I Miss You” />