Sarah Palin Won't Go Away, "Seriously Interested" in 2016 Bid 


Republicans have descended en mass on Iowa for something called the “Iowa Freedom Summit” hosted by Rep. Steve King and Citizens United. Usually when these things happen leading members of the GOP descend on the most politically meaningful of the flyover states (sorry Iowa) and say some really crazy shit. Fun person Sarah Palin kicked-off the crazy person talk last night.

In what’s possibly the world’s most depressing place, a Des Moines Marriott, Palin told a captive audience, “Without putting any words in my mouth, you can absolutely say that I’m seriously interested.”

Politico reports:

“It’s not a major story because 2016 really is still far off,” she said of the Palin-for-president talk. “I think it’s a major story because maybe you guys are bored,” referring to the mainstream media. (Surrounded by national reporters, she resisted referring to them as the “lamestream” media.)
Then, bringing the exchange full meta, she later added, “It’s a significant step, of course, for anyone to publicly announce that they’re interested. … Who wouldn’t be interested? Who wouldn’t be interested when they have been blessed with an opportunity to speak about [issues important to the country.] Who would just ignore an opportunity?”

Palin has flirted with the possibility of a presidential run since her failed VP nomination in 2008. Whether or not Palin is actually interested in running or in simply interested in generating more attention/money/power/whatever is uncertain. But she is “definitely interested in people thinking she’s interested,” Politico intones in a very Politico-like way.

Anyway, the most important part of this story is likely that Palin was overheard joking with King about “moose stew.” Are there any Alaskans who can confirm that this is a real thing? Post pictures, please.

Image via AP

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