Saturday Night Social


Well, well, how is everyone’s Saturday going so far? Have you left your house? Removed yourself from your bed? If not, no worries — this a shame-free zone. For it is Saturday: day of lazy days where we must think nothing of tomorrow (and even if we do, we’ll still be happy because tomorrow will still be the weekend). And on that note, I will leave you with a song by a band that warms my heart, starring in a video that is as light and silly as your whole weekend will (hopefully) be.

We’ll be opening our doors to you via the SNL live thread tonight at 11:15pm (Zach Galifianakis and someone named Jessie J), but in the meantime, feel free to hang out here and talk about whatever you wish — perhaps “Who is Jessie J?” Or “You don’t know who Jessie J is????” Both are acceptable.

Oh, and don’t forget — Daylight Savings Time starts tonight! Spring forward at 2am!

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