Scientists Say "G-Spot" Doesn't Actually Exist


According to a study out of King’s College, London, the legendary g-spot, source of a million Cosmo articles and bad jokes ending with “am I right, ladies?”, is actually a total myth with no scientific basis whatsoever.

The study, which included data from roughly 1,800 women, was led by Andrea Burri, who tells the Times Of London that the research was meant to lessen the sexual fears and feelings of inadequacy many people—both women and men—feel when it comes to locating the legendary spot on a woman’s body. “It is rather irresponsible to claim the existence of an entity that has never really been proven and pressurize women – and men, too,” Burri says.

Of course, the study is already being challenged, which isn’t a surprise, considering that just last year, an article was published in the Journal Of Sexual Medicine claiming that the g-spot is, in fact, a real thing. And Beverly Whipple of Rutgers, who popularized the notion of the “g-spot” back in 1981 with her book, The G-Spot And Other Recent Discoveries About Human Sexuality, tells the Times that the new study is “flawed,” as it doesn’t take into account the sexual activities of lesbian and bisexual women.

Despite the criticisms, researcher Tim Spector tells the Times, “This is by far the biggest study ever carried out and it shows fairly conclusively that the idea of a G-spot is subjective.” In other words, the answer as to whether or not you have a g-spot may just lie entirely in your own head, though it’s hard to dismiss the idea that many women may believe they have (or don’t have) a g-spot based on what they read in magazines, see on television, or hear in really bad jokes…am I right ladies?

What An Anti-Climax: G-Spot Is A Myth [TimesOnline]
The Great G-Spot Debate [Salon]

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