Second Lady Gaga Comic Looks Less Horrifying Than First


As you may recall, the first Fame: Lady Gaga comic from Bluewater Productions featured some rather gruesome illustrations, and the twisted plot involved rock critic Lester Bangs. But the second installment of the comic has arrived, and it looks better.

Fame: Lady Gaga 2 focuses on the singer’s career. Imagine that! According to a spokesperson from Bluewater, the comic will include “all the hairstyles, stage blood, drama and costumes that make Lady Gaga impossible to ignore.”

We get to see Gaga as little Stefani:

And as a leather dominatrix!

The illustrations — by Dan Glasl — are pretty great.

It’s just so fun and colorful. Maybe this time, Gaga won’t threaten to sue?

EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS: Lady Gaga’s Second Comic Book Installment – Read Pages On Radar! [Radar Online]

Earlier: Explaining The Gruesome Gaga Comics
Good Idea, Gruesome Execution: The Lady Gaga Comic Book

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