Soledad O'Brien Calls Tea Party Spokeswoman's Dog Whistle Racism 'Very Odd'


If you are a dumbass, it’s probably a bad idea to agree to be interviewed by Soledad O’Brien. She can smell stupid in the water from hundreds of miles away. A small drop of logical incongruity can lead to a fatal Soledad mauling. Her latest victim? Tea Party maven Amy Kremer, who made the mistake of wading into a political debate armed only with bloody idiotic comments about President Obama not loving America enough. Let’s watch the horrifying beauty of a Soledad evisceration.

Kremer is the voice of the Tea Party Express, which apparently has decided to go on and continue existing with that dumb train name. In recent public statements, Kremer has decried President Obama as a man who doesn’t deserve reelection, because he doesn’t love America enough. O’Brien smelled a rat, and the following exchange happened:

O’BRIEN: Do you think that President Obama doesn’t love this country?
KREMER: I think that he is more about a global, being a global, um, oh what’s the word — being more one world, global, and it’s not about the shining city on the hill, the greatness that has always been America that our founding fathers were about. I do believe that. I absolutely believe it. I’m not going to run from that.

Such as.

If you’re having trouble understanding what the everloving fuck Kremer meant with the word paella she just served to us piping hot, allow me to present it to you in poem form:

I think
that he is more about a global,
being a global,
oh what’s the word — being
more one world,
global, and
it’s not
about the shining city on the hill, the greatness
that has always been America that our founding fathers were about. I do believe
that. I absolutely believe
it. I’m not going to
run from that.

Slight improvement, but still completely incoherent. Where’s the part about how black tears carve rivers down cheeks of alabaster? Where’s the pit of sadness? Phooey; I’ll never understand Tea Party poetry.

O’Brien wasn’t buying Kremer line, though, and called her statements about the President’s perceived lack of a boner for America “very odd” and implied that they were dog whistle talk for “something else” (which is dog whistle talk for “sounds pretty racist, bro”). When pressed, Kremer clarified by saying “I just don’t believe that President Obama loves America the way that… we do.”

Then Soledad sat back and let the other panelists patiently explain to her, in many short words, that she is nuts. Goddamn it, Soledad O’Brien. I will have a heaping order of whatever it is you’re having.

[Raw Story]

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