Ted Cruz Was Accidentally Right About Something!
Even a broken clock is right twice a day--though this broken clock is not right for the reasons he thinks he is.
PoliticsTed Cruz and I have a little in common. Neither of us was born in Texas, but we claim it as our home. We both have rapidly graying hair. We share a last name that both Cubans and Mexicans may have, though we’re not related. On a normal day, this is where our similarities end.
But today is not normal. I regret to inform the public that—sigh—Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and I agree about a policy issue. On Monday night, Cruz tweeted about the trend of corporations offering reimbursement for employees traveling for abortion care.
“Will all the woke corporations now eager to pay for their employees’ abortions be equally generous supporting mothers who chose to give birth to their children? Will they allow flexible hours for moms? Will they support them professionally with a vibrant career path?” the correct-on-this-point-yet-generall-moronic senator tweeted at 11:07 p.m. last night.
It’s…almost a good point by the worst man alive. It would be a great point if he supported these policies in addition to abortion access.
Corporations should be equally generous in supporting new parents, whether or not they are mothers. They should give generous parental leave to birth parents, adoptive parents and foster parents. The federal government, state governments, county and city governments should provide that to all of its employees as well. The United States of freaking America should not be dead last in all paid parental leave offerings. I’m so glad the junior senator from Texas finally (almost) gets it!
In fact, we should make work more flexible and offer work-from-home options. And while we’re at it, this country should have a universal basic income, so people can more freely build the life they want, including “professionally with a vibrant career path,” as Cruz tweeted.
I look forward to Cruz dropping his crusade against abortion and introducing such legislation when Congress returns from its July 4th recess.