The Dress Code Is Unclear At The Gracie Awards


The Gracie Awards celebrate programming created for, by, and about women. Not to be a bitch, but it’s clear from what they’re wearing that these chicks are television and not movie stars…the whole affair is just a smidgen less glamorous than something the film industry might bust out.

So, were there no attire instructions on these people’s invitations? They all look like they’re going to different events. Despite that, these three women—Blossom, Maria Canals-Barrera, and Patricia Heaton—are all working different interpretations of mother-of-the-bride.

Seriously, though: While some women wore evening gowns, others chose cocktail dresses, summer brunch attire, or contesting-a-speeding-ticket-on-my-lunch-hour get ups.

Given the red leopard print, eyelashes like broom ends, and strategically-placed tendrils, you’d think Francia Raisa was a reality star on a New Jersey-based show. But she’s just a TV movie actress.

Even though Lucy Hale’s anklet Western boots are grody to the max, I love this dress because she totally evokes Bette Midler’s “Otto Titsling” number in Beaches.

Morgan Fairchild, 61, has more wrinkles (two, in fact) on her dress than her face.

From afar, Brenda Strong’s floor-length emerald dress is stunning, but upon closer inspection, the gold accent at her waist looks like the kind of sequined ric-rac usually found on dance recital costumes.

I think with the no eye liner, lack of jewelry, and no-fuss hair, Chelsea Handler may have been going for a “simply elegant” look, but to me it was simply boring. I like trash and flash.

Kim Delaney ruined a classic look with that hair. She’s doing that thing that the girls on Teen Mom and 16 & Pregnant do, where they create this weird comb-over instead of just getting their bangs cut into a swoop. I guess she gets points for being up on youth trends?

NOOOOO! Nude hose and open toes!

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