The Guy from Devo Is Sorry About His Twin Towers-Shaped Wedding Cake, Which He Says Was a 'Set-Up'
In DepthDevo singer/bassist Jerry Casale married fiancee Krista Napp on September 11, surrounded by friends, family, and a Twin Towers-shaped cake with their faces on each building. Casale says he’s very sorry about that last part, photos of which quickly made their way onto TMZ.
TMZ called the wedding reception “offensive” and “bizarre,” noting that there was both a Twin Towers cake and placecards with the couple’s names engraved onto a picture of boxcutters, while the guests were given actual boxcutters to take home. Handy.
Casale told Billboard on Monday that the fun party favors were a “surprise,” orchestrated by a friend with a “transgressive sick sense of humor” who, honestly Jerry, doesn’t sound like a great friend:
The place settings, Casale noted, were at dinner, and while he thought “that was pretty nasty…we thought that the was the end of the reference.” When it came time for dessert and they moved to a backroom, they saw there was still much more.
“He thought it was some sort of transgressive sick humor, and the problem is, it’s not funny,” Casale said of his friend who planned it all.
Casale said he and Knapp were married on September 11 because it was the last day before their marriage license expired, and that when friends commented on the date, he’d make a macabre joke that they were “the Twin Towers of love.” His friend’s play on the theme, he added, “ruined our wedding,” as did the fact that a guest evidently sold the shots to TMZ.
Casale also apologized on Twitter:
Devo’s Facebook page is currently full of very pissed-off people who did not have Twin Towers cakes at their own weddings.
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Casale at some promotional event earlier this year. Image via Getty.