This First Grader's Spelling Worksheet Will Both Scar and Amuse You


I like kids, but one of the biggest challenges I can envision having when I adopt some tiny Marklings of my own (those will be their names and they will have numbers also) is that that they’ll come home with an assignment that looks just like this one, with a mistake that turns an innocent word into a mortifying moment of laughbarrassment.

The legend of the first-grader that wrote a very different word than cinnamon will soon be known throughout the land. Posted by a redditor whose mother is a first-grade teacher, this worksheet looks like it was meant to teach children about the five senses, or at least the sense of smell. The children would smell what was inside different bags and then write down whether the smell was good (cinnamon) or bad (the other thing you’re about to see) (like bleach, am I right?) and try to identify it. Well, one enthusiastic first-grader was very wrong in their spelling. Very, very wrong. (Although, understandable.) (I have to put that here. Technically, I get how it happened.) (It is still wrong.) (Shut up, Mark, show them the picture.) (No, you shut up.)

The poor kid didn’t even get to question three!

As always, if you’re an expert in children’s handwriting, please let me know if this looks like something a child might do. I believe it, just like I believed this little monstrosity, but who knows, sometimes people do lie on the internet.

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