Vatican Calls Obama "Arrogant" For Reversing Global Gag Rule


Not everyone has been swept up in Obamamania as of late: the Vatican has released a statement condemning the President for reversing the “global gag rule,” and lifting a ban on overseas abortion funding.

Archbishop Rino Fisichella, president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, claims that Obama has “the arrogance of someone who believes they are right”, and has opened “the door to abortion and thus to the destruction of human life”

“What is important is to know how to listen, without locking oneself into ideological visions with the arrogance of a person who, having the power, thinks they can decide on life and death. If this is one of the first acts of President Obama, then with all due respect it seems to me that we are heading toward disappointment even more quickly than we thought,” the Archbishop said, before returning to his golden palace in a city built on one ideological vision alone, a city of power for a religion which condemns abortion and therefore also thinks it can decide life and death for others. I kid! Kind of. Lapsed Irish Catholic guilt strikes again!

Vatican Hits Out At “Arrogant” Obama Over Abortion [Times Online]

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