Watch Samantha Bee Pat Down Some Models at Men's Fashion Week


We’re smack dab in the middle of New York City’s inaugural Men’s Fashion Week, and to mark the occasion Samantha Bee wandered over to a model casting at designer Robert Geller’s studio for an enthusiastic round of offensive intellectual assessments and congratulatory muscle-squeezing.

Although the video was produced by Amazon Fashion—the official sponsor of Men’s Fashion Week, perhaps because, according to Bee, “they specialize in delivering packages”—they did a pretty good job of allowing the comedian to do all that good gender satire we’ve been missing since she left The Daily Show. “Oh my god, you’re having your own men’s fashion week! Hooray for men!” Bee exclaimed to a model, eyes wide.

The models, for their part, were down to play the game. “What’s on trend now, in terms of look? Big and beefy? Skinny? Sleek?” Bee asked model Max Von Isser. “Very kind of alien-looking, like a shaved otter,” he replied, straight-faced.

No word yet on the premiere date for Bee’s “female as fuck” talk show on TBS, but all reports indicate that it is going to be FANTASTIC. So hooray for women, really.

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