Pretentious Idiot Defaces Rothko, Would Be Horrible Boyfriend
LatestCecilia Giménez, what hath you wrought? On Sunday at London’s Tate Modern, some dummy entered a room full of Rothkos and preceded to deface one, “Black on Maroon,” tagging it with: “Vladimir Umanets, a potential piece of yellowism.” A visitor saw it happening and promptly tweeted a pic. The fuck is yellowism? Well, according to this site, it’s an art movement that’s neither art nor anti-art, it’s everywhere and nowhere and, “the context for yellowism is yellowism.” I know, I just blew your mind.
The defacing dummy in question, namely Vladimir Umanets, who as of yet remains a free man, tells The Guardian:
“I believe that if someone restores the [Rothko] piece and removes my signature the value of the piece would be lower but after a few years the value will go higher because of what I did,” he said, comparing himself to Marcel Duchamp, the French artist who shocked the art establishment when he signed a urinal and put it on display in 1917.
This guy. Man, he sounds totally impossible — I feel sorry for anyone who’s ever dated his arrogant ass. All talking about his big artistic ideas, thinking he’s all anti-establishment, and never shutting up about how hard it is to be a white male artist in his twenties with so many feelings. You know he’s just dying to be arrested, the ultimate validation.
Man who defaced Tate Modern’s Rothko canvas says he’s added value [Guardian]
Image via Twitter.