Chrissy Teigen Snaps at Haters Saying She Has a ‘New Face’ From Fillers: ‘I Gained Weight’

"Saying this could be your face if you do it wrong? You’re a piece of shit," Teigen responded to a plastic surgeon influencer in an Instagram story.

Chrissy Teigen Snaps at Haters Saying She Has a ‘New Face’ From Fillers: ‘I Gained Weight’
Photo:Getty (Getty Images)

Existing in Hollywood is not for the faint of heart, in large part due to the pesky reality of aging. If you let your body and face do what they are naturally wont to do after, say, your 20s, people will point out that you look old. If you get work done to stay looking young, headlines will call you “unrecognizable” and you’ll inevitably be accused of having gone overboard on getting work done. If your body or face naturally changes in any way, people will still accuse you of having gone overboard on getting work done. It’s a lose-lose-lose situation, particularly for women.

This is never going to change. So one evergreen piece of advice I have for these women is, at the very least, to NEVER READ WHAT PEOPLE SAY ABOUT YOU ON INSTAGRAM. But Chrissy Teigen, the uber-poster, went spelunking into her mentions on Thursday, and as expected, they ruined her whole damn day. So she broke my second rule of being a celebrity woman on the internet: DO NOT ENGAGE.

Screenshot:Chrissy Teigen/Instagram

Teigen screen-shotted a particularly passive aggressive Instagram post (please do not use the “hands making a heart shape” emoji when shitting on someone’s appearance) by Dr. Kay, a plastic surgeon influencer, that basically accuses her of going overboard on facial fillers and saying her face should serve as a warning to others looking for a touch-up. Teigen, of course, had some words for Dr. Kay: “No mean intentions? But saying this could be your face if you do it wrong? You’re a piece of shit. I gained weight.”

I personally prefer the Madonna approach of engaging in the ridiculous discourse around one’s face with some cheeky self-mockery to the Teigen approach of straight-up calling some rando doctor a piece of shit on main. If I were that famous and that inclined to reply to trolls, I might ask someone I trust to change all my social media passwords. But to each her own!

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