Gwyneth Paltrow Reveals She Went 'Totally Off the Rails' Over Quarantine, Ate Bread
CelebritiesDirt BagIn a bombshell new interview with The Mirror, Gwyneth Paltrow revealed that she went “totally off the rails” over the last year and change of quarantine, and by “totally off the rails” she means ate carbs and drank more bespoke quinoa whiskey cocktails on some nights than might be generally advisable in a single week.
“I was drinking seven nights a week and making pasta and eating bread. I went totally off the rails,” the famed inventor of THEE vagina candle told the outlet. “I mean, who drinks multiple drinks seven nights a week? Like that’s not healthy. I love whiskey and I make this fantastic drink called the Buster Paltrow, which I named after my grandfather who loved whiskey sours… And it’s this great quinoa whiskey from this distillery in Tennessee with maple syrup and lemon juice. It’s just heaven. I would have two of those every night of quarantine.”
Damn. That’s almost as bad as my rock bottom last July (spent $300 on a bunch of shit from Drunk Elephant just to feel something). Thank you, Gwem, for sharing your truth.
- Halle Berry was a big fan of last night’s Verzuz featuring SWV and Xscape. [Hollywood Life]
- Speaking of which, catch highlights and clips from the show here! [Bossip]
- And in GET A JOB STAY AWAY FROM HER news, Talib Kweli is harassing Noname because she called out his pattern of harassing Black women online. Interesting strategy for clearing his name he’s got there. [Bossip]
- “One of the things about being a woman of color, and being a person in this position is that I think one of my big responsibilities is speaking to other people who have questions about how to get here, particularly young women and women of color,” Mindy Kaling said in a recent interview while discussing how she picks her speaking engagements. “So more than once or twice a week, we’ll have a panel that someone wants me to speak on or a women’s college [that] wants me to talk to their film department…or do a podcast for two Indian American teenagers.”
- The only Mac Miller biography that the late rapper’s mother, Karen Meyers, has given her seal of approval to is Donna-Claire Chesman’s forthcoming The Book of Mac: Remembering Mac Miller. Reject all others!! [Us Weekly]
- Weird how Hollywood Life will publish a story about new paparazzi pics of a celebrity with her kid—in this case, Jennifer Garner and Violet Affleck—but blur that kid’s face, thereby admitting they know there’s something gross about publishing the story in the first place. Good morning, cognitive dissonance! [Hollywood Life]
- Truly: