Brad Pitt Is Being Sued Over 'Defective' New Orleans Houses
LatestIn the wake of Katrina, Brad Pitt started the Make It Right foundation with the aim of building 150 green-energy houses in the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans. Now, those houses are rotting and might explode.
According to Page Six, homeowners who bought the Make it Right houses are suing Pitt and the foundation, who are in turn suing the architect in charge of the project. In the past, the foundation has made repairs to “rotting and collapsed porches” on the homes, but recently, homeowners were warned that incorrectly installed gas meters might make their “green” houses explode:
In December, the city of New Orleans warned the 109 Make It Right homeowners that natural-gas meters in their houses might be improperly installed — a dangerous condition that could lead to gas leaks and explosions.
Pitt and other foundation officers are asking for their names to be removed from the lawsuit, and Page Six reports that Pitt hasn’t been involved with the charity for a while:
“Brad was a co-founder, but he wasn’t on the board for years,” a source told Page Six. “When the problems arose, he committed to help make it right.”
After building housing for veterans in Newark, New Jersey and affordable apartments in Kansas City, Missouri, tax filings indicate the charity has run out of money, which means if Pitt is removed from the lawsuit, the defendants are pretty much just stuck with their 30-year mortgages on shitty houses, according to Ron Austin, who represents the homeowners:
“According to their 2015 tax filings, the foundation is insolvent. If Mr. Pitt succeeds in getting himself removed from the lawsuit, these residents will be without any remedy. It’s obvious he is trying to cut and run.”