Goodbye to X Æ A-12, Hello to X Æ A-Xii
LatestBy decree of the state of California, Elon Musk and Grimes have officially changed their new baby’s name to something that slightly resembles an Earth language. Not by much, though. Sorry to the space baby!
TMZ reports that Grimes addressed the name change on Instagram this weekend, after a commenter asked if the couple ended up complying with a California law requiring that legal names contain only letters. It seems Grimes found a workaround.
“X Æ A-Xii,” she replied, when asked for the baby’s new name. “Roman numerals. Looks better tbh.”
As a refresher, X is for unknown variable (solve for “X”); Æ, pronounced “Ash,” is for AI; and A-12, now A-Xii, is for an aircraft, and the whole thing is for attention.
On the bright side, baby X Æ A-Xii’s future teachers will never have to tack on an “M.” to differentiate him from the other X Æ A-Xiis in his class, so.