Kerin Rose Is Styling 


Kerin Rose Gold is unmistakeable, and vibrant. Her perfect orange mane, eccentric colorful style, and bubbly persona are singular in an oversaturated fashion industry and, as the creator and proprietor of A-Morir eyewear and studios, have helped to solidify her place within it.

In 2008, inspired by her own personal style, Kerin Rose first designed sunglasses with crystals dangling from the top of the rims. Initially, she remembers being chased down on the streets of Manhattan by passersby who wanted to know where they could get the glamorous eyewear. As she hustled, painstakingly bedazzling and growing her fanbase under the A-morir moniker, her reputation grew, until eventually pop star Katy Perry wanted a pair, then Rihanna (who wore Kerin’s lace glasses in the “Run This Town” video) and then Lady Gaga. You get the point—a cult boutique label soon enough had international renown.

This year Kerin reached 10 years in the business. And though chart topping celebs like Rihanna know her by name, she stays grounded by being socially conscious and fashionably true to herself. Jezebel met up with Kerin Rose in October at her Manhattan home to talk about the evolution of her style and how she created an eyewear line the biggest pop stars are obsessed with.

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