Michael Jackson Sued For Profits From Thriller

  • Michael Jackson is supposed to share 50% of the profits from the Thriller video with director John Landis, but now he’s suing because MJ hasn’t paid in four years. As always, there’s a weird twist.
  • There doesn’t seem to be anyone in charge of Jackson’s finances except for a “mysterious Los Angeles physician” named Tohme Tohme. [Perez Hilton]
  • Patrick McDermott, the former partner of Olivia Newton-John, disappeared almost four years ago, but now investigators say he is alive and on the run and has been traveling along the Mexican and South American coastline. Investigators believe he disappeared so he could avoid paying debts and enable his teenage son to collect a $150,000 life insurance payout. [News.com.au]
  • Benicio Del Toro walked out of an interview with The Washington Times about his controversial new Che Guevara biopic. Del Toro was offended by a question about the film’s portrayal of the Bolivian and Cuban revolutions. “I’m getting uncomfortable,” said Del Toro. “I’m done. I’m done, I hope you write whatever you want. I don’t give a damn.” [Media Bistro]
  • Ricky Gervais says that according to his mother, his middle name is spelled “Dene” on his birth certificate because his father was drunk when he filled it out. [The Daily Mail]
  • Gervais also says that he’s started writing a skit for Sesame Street that he will also star in. It probably won’t focus on that charming family anecdote. [The Sun]
  • Apparently Scarlett Johansson didn’t get the hint when her album was a critical and commercial flop. She recorded a cover of the Jeff Buckley song “Last Goodbye” for the He’s Just Not That Into You soundtrack, which you can listen to here. [Perez Hilton]
  • Rosie O’Donnell‘s Maravel Arts Center, a Fame-like after school program for poor New York City kids interested in musical theater, opened yesterday. Rosie said at the event that she stopped blogging because it “wasn’t providing the joy that it used to,” but says she’ll start posting again soon about Rosie’s Broadway Kids “more to showcase things that I’m doing as opposed to my inner angst or thoughts.” [People]
  • Susan Sarandon will guest star on ER but only in an episode with fellow Oscar winner George Clooney. The episode will air toward the end of the season. [E!]
  • K-Fed went to Britney’s new house to pick up their sons, and stayed for a barbeque in the back yard after Jaime Spears invited him in. [People]
  • Simon Cowell was cursed by a witch after he and the other judges voted her off Britain’s Got Talent. It was bound to happen eventually. [The Mirror]
  • Paris Hilton has launched a new reality TV show in the UK to finder her “British Best Friend” but she says she won’t consider Amy Winehouse. Maybe Paris should spend a little less time rejecting potential BFFs and more time wondering why she can’t make friends without the aid of a reality show. [The Star]
  • Matt Damon narrates a show about environment for PBS called Journey to the Planet Earth and producers say he refused to read lines about rising Chinese soybean consumption leading to slash-and-burn farming in the Brazilian Amazon until they brought in scientists to confirm that it was true and they weren’t just bashing China. [The Miami Herald]
  • Jessica Alba defended herself on her blog, saying she’s not stupid because she told a reporter “Be neutral about it, be Sweden!” Jess writes: “It’s so sad to me that you think the only neutral country during WWII was Switzerland. Check out: [Wikipedia link] if you want to see what I was referring to. I appreciate the name calling and the accurate reporting. Keep it up!!” [E!]
  • Dick Van Dyke says in a new interview that Walt Disney didn’t hire him for Mary Poppins just because he was a talented singer and dancer. “[Disney] had heard me in an interview talking about what was happening to family entertainment,” says Van Dyke. “I was decrying the fact that it seemed like no holds were barred anymore in entertainment. … That’s why he called me in, because I said something he agreed with.” [CNN]
  • Molly Ringwald is writing a book about living as a 40-year-old. Says Ringwald: “[The book is] not just about 40, but people who are of my generation, catching up and what that’s like and how you have to reidentify yourself at that age in a culture that’s pretty youth-driven. But it’s fine actually! Leading up to 40 is much worse than being 40. The sort of tick-tock — everything just seems so much weirder and scarier than it actually is.” [Media Bistro]
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