Natalie Portman Wants You to Stop Asking Her About the Middle East


In an interview with Harper’s Bazaar, Oscar winner and former rapper Natalie Portman spoke about her new film A Tale of Love and Darkness, which premiered at Cannes this year. The film was shot in Israel, and Portman, who was born in Jerusalem, says that “connections to her Jewish heritage remain strong”—but also that she’s getting sick and tired of discussing “Netanyahu and U.S. foreign policy” with reporters.

“I get asked so many questions about the Middle East, and I’m like ‘Can you please just ask me about my dress? Let’s just talk about the dress!’” she says, half-laughing. So while many actresses are busy hashtagging #AskHerMore and trying to dodge questions about their manicures and motherhood, Portman is asking for less? Though gender inequality is obviously very real, she says she can understand the temptation to focus on fashion. “I like to look at what people are wearing, but I do see the sexism in it,” she says. “Yeah, you could reject it all, but I don’t know anyone who has done that and been able to maintain the level of work I’d like to maintain.”

You know what, Natalie? I get it. In a world where everything celebrities say is scrutinized and pull quotes can often remove any sense of context, I get it.

So! These are the questions—if given the chance—I would ask you:

  1. Do you ever text/WhatsApp Hayden Christensen?
  2. Do you ever text/WhatsApp Darren Aronofsky?
  3. You’ve called Oscars “false idols.” What would you call a Golden Globe?
  4. Do you think you’ll ever find your false idol?
  5. Who’s weirder: Terrence Malick or George Lucas?
  6. What’s your favorite way to prepare avocado?
  7. What’s your fondest memory from the set of Anywhere But Here?
  8. Did you know I watch Anywhere But Here at least once a year?
  9. Describe Susan Sarandon in one word.
  10. What was your baby’s first word?
  11. Do you have any lifehacks for conserving my iPhone’s battery life?
  12. Who are you wearing?!?

Contact the author at [email protected].

Image via Getty.

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