New Tumblr Will Psychoanalyze Your Favorite Emojis


What do your most recent emoji choices say about you? That you’re a romantic? That you love to party? That you’re a crying/laughing cat who is so cool that you never take your sunglasses off? You don’t have to guess. There’s a new Tumblr that will psychoanalyze your emojis for you and tell you all about yourself!

To participate in Emojinalysis, all you have to do is email a screen shot of your most recently used emoji along with your first name and age to creator Dan Brill. Brill, a copywriter by trade, will then tell you what your emoji says about you.

Here’s some of his work:

I don’t know any of these people, but I’m going to assume that the analysis is spot-on.

I sent Brill a screenshot of my most recent emoji (it’s the lede image up top) and have yet to hear back, probably because he’s very busy getting to the heart of everyone’s personal ills, one manicure hand at a time. I’ll update if and when I ever get my analysis, but based on how often I favor the bloody syringe emoji, I’m a little worried about what he’ll come up with.


Images via my phone and Emojinalysis.

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