3-Year-Old Mauled By Pitbulls Told to Leave KFC Due to "Scary" Scars
LatestPrepare yourself: awful people ahead. A three-year-old girl who suffered serious injuries and lost her eye after surviving a pit bull attack was booted out of a KFC after an employee told her grandmother that the child’s scars were “disturbing” other customers. What the actual fuck.
Victoria, the little girl was at her grandfather’s home when she was attacked by three pit bulls late April. According to the Victoria’s Victories Facebook page, she sustained critical injuries to her face, leaving the right side paralyzed. Injuries included a broken upper and lower jaw, a broken nose, and a damaged eye socket, resulting in the loss of her right eye. Though she must eat through a feeding tube, she’s on the mend, having completed physical therapy and she regularly visits a speech and swallow therapist.
Her recovery is inspiring, but apparently the damage left to her face was too unsavory for some KFC employee. Victoria’s grandmother Kelly Mullins told WAPT that she took the little girl to a KFC after a doctors appointment for a snack:
“They just told us, they said, ‘We have to ask you to leave because her face is disrupting our customers.’ (Victoria) understood exactly what they said.”
I’m not sure who in their right mind would think to do such a thing but the world keeps on surprising me I guess. KFC responded by launching an investigation into what happened. In an email to WAPT:
“We take this very seriously, as we have zero tolerance for any kind of hurtful or disrespectful actions toward our guests. Our investigation is ongoing, but we have been in touch with the family and are committed to doing something appropriate for this beautiful little girl and her family. We will also work with the franchisee to take appropriate action at the restaurant once the specifics of the incident are determined,” said KFC spokesman Rick Maynard.
Sadly, experiences like this have already had a profound effect on Victoria, who is clearly disconcerted by her appearance according to her grandmother.
“She’s got a lot of surgeries to go through and she won’t even look in the mirror anymore…When we go to a store, she doesn’t even want to get out [of the car],” she said. “She’s three years old and she’s embarrassed about what she looks like. She’s embarrassed, and I hate it because she shouldn’t be. It ain’t her fault.”
This is absolutely heartbreaking.
Image via Victoria’s Victories Facebook.